EPISODE 022: 4 Things You Need To Know Before Hiring Your First Employee

Today, weare back to BUSINESS, baby! And we are going to tackle one of the most difficult topics in business ownership: employees. We've witnessed it all since hiring employees & we've learned A LOT in the process. Having staff requires delicacy, thorough communication and transparency - and a lot of people don't truly understand how complicated running a business with employees can truly be. This is why we going to discuss four things you need to know before hiring your first employee. So grab your notebook & take notes - this one is a bit of a doozy!


  1. Screen your applicants very thoroughly
  2. Make sure you set both your own expectations & your employee's expectations right up front
  3. Make sure you document everything (in writing!)
  4. Communicate the good & the bad always. Be clear & transparent!
And, a little motivation on this beautiful Monday:
Leader don't create followers. They create more leaders.

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