EPISODE 032. Organic Business Growth, Mindset Shifts and Some Feel-Good Girl Talk with Ashtyn Pharis

Today's episode has definitely been one of our favorites so far! We had the absolute pleasure of speaking with the beautiful Ashtyn Pharis of Ashtyn Pharis Fitness. She's a badass boss babe from Ohio who has grown and developed her six-figure coaching business with any paid ads. Her decision to leave her corporate job wasn't an easy one, but she knew that she wanted more for her life & freedom to set her own schedule. 

And so today, we are serving you a big dose of encouragement, realness and business education - and you definitely don't want to miss it! We talk all about Ashtyn's journey, as well as branding, the importance of being vulnerable and all about her business. Make yourself a cup of coffee, get cozy and enjoy this episode - it's jam-packed with feel-good girl talk!

An important takeaway from Ashtyn:

Things don't happen to you. They happen for you!

You can stream today's episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you listen to your podcasts. We hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed creating it!

Connect with Ashtyn on Instagram! @ashtynpharisfitness

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