So, what's this whole word of the year thing all about, anyway? 

Let me start by saying that it's a lot more than choosing a word, writing it down and letting it go. In today's episode, Laura and I discuss the significance of intentionally choosing a word of the year to guide personal and professional growth. We acknowledge the importance of not only choosing a word, but reflecting on that word throughout the course of the year & using it as a guide. We share our own words — 'prioritize' for Laura and 'ascend' for myself — and explore the reasons behind our choices. The conversation gets a liiiiittle vulnerable, but emphasizes the need to avoid comparison with others and to embrace individual journeys! Today's chat is all about encouraging our listeners to set realistic goals, give themselves grace as they navigate the New Year, and a choose a word to guide you that truly resonates with you!

You can listen to today's episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube or wherever you stream your podcasts! Enjoy!